Thank you for considering a contribution to LAEF in memory of Cary Brody.

A Message from Cary’s Family
Cary Brody spent nearly 40 years at Los Alamitos High school serving as Boys’ Athletic Director, Physical Education teacher, and Football, Track, and Wresting coach. Throughout his tremendous and storied career, Coach Brody instilled in his students and athletes the valuable traits of discipline, teamwork, hard-work, and humility. He believed strongly in the values athletics can bring to a person’s life, as well the importance of a secondary education.
Through the Cary Brody Memorial Scholarship, the Brody Family hopes to continue Coach Brody’s legacy by awarding scholarships to Los Al student athletes on their way to college.
To make a contribution to LAEF’s Cary Brody Memorial Scholarship Fund by credit card, click on the “Donate” button below.